About Dr. Andrew Krinsky
Medical Practice
Dr. Krinsky has 30 years experience performing circumcision & over 20 years as a religiously ordained Certified Mohel. As a Mohel he is also available to assist you in choosing a meaningful Hebrew name.
His religious ceremony is warm & embracing to all attendees. He will come to your home, or the location you chose, to make this a special and meaningful experience for all who attend. He will provide you with a beautiful naming certificate.
Dr Krinsky is especially sensitive & embracing to interfaith couples.
Dr. Krinsky always enjoys working with the clergy, if you have a special relationship with your Rabbi or Cantor. He is, however, trained to perform the entire Bris Ceremony and Baby Naming Ceremony.
As a Board Certified M.D. Surgeon, his medical expertise and experience is unsurpassed. His technique, along with the many steps he takes to insure the comfort of your baby, are designed to make this procedure as atraumatic as possible for your son, Moms, and family as well!!
Dr. Krinsky can also explain the medical advantages for performing the Bris on the 8th day of life and the special safety precautions he uses.