
South Florida Religious Circumcision

Dr. Andrew Krinsky MD, FACOG, CNMP
Religious Newborn Circumcision
Yale Trained Board Certified Gynecologic Surgeon
Board Certified Religiously Ordained Mohel
Anesthetic Used

About Dr. Andrew Krinsky
Surgeon Physican Mohel

Dr. Krinsky has 30 years experience performing circumcision & over 20 years as a religiously ordained Certified Mohel. As a Mohel he is also available to assist you in choosing a meaningful Hebrew name.

His religious ceremony is warm & embracing to all attendees. He will come to your home, or the location you chose, to make this a special and meaningful experience for all who attend. He will provide you with a beautiful naming certificate.

Dr Krinsky is especially sensitive & embracing to interfaith couples.

Dr. Krinsky always enjoys working with the clergy, if you have a special relationship with your Rabbi or Cantor. He is, however, trained to perform the entire Bris Ceremony and Baby Naming Ceremony.

As a Board Certified M.D. Surgeon, his medical expertise and experience is unsurpassed. His technique, along with the many steps he takes to insure the comfort of your baby, are designed to make this procedure as atraumatic as possible for your son, Moms, and family as well!!

Dr. Krinsky can also explain the medical advantages for performing the Bris on the 8th day of life and the special safety precautions he uses.

Andrew Krinsky profile

Religious Circumcision
Mohel Q&A

What is a Bris?

A bris is a Jewish ceremony during which a baby boy is brought into the Covenant of the Jewish people. Bris is the Hebrew word for covenant. The complete ceremony includes circumcision and is sometimes called Brit Milah (Covenant of Circumcision)..

What is the meaning of the Covenant?

The Covenant between God and the Jewish people is nearly 4,000 years old. According to the Biblical book of Genesis, the first Jew to enter into the covenant was the patriarch Abraham. In the Covenant, God promised Abraham that he would make him the father of a great nation, Israel. Abraham promised God that he, and all of his descendants would follow a special way of life and try and make the world a better place for all people. By entering our children into the Covenant we affirm that, as Jews, they have a sacred obligation to improve the world.

Why have a bris?

By having a bris for a Jewish baby, the parents link their son to thousands of years of Jewish heritage. From the very beginning the baby’s Jewish identity is affirmed. The bris is the beginning of a Jewish journey that will last a lifetime.

A Hebrew name for your baby

A Hebrew name is a gift you give your baby that lasts a lifetime. It is a symbol of his Jewish identity. Often a Hebrew name is given to remember a loved one who has passed away. Ether Hebrew or Jewish (Yiddish) names can be used. The Mohel can help in choosing an appropriate name.

What happens at the bris ceremony?

The baby is brought into the room by one or more people. This honor is called the kvater (kvaterin for a female). Next the circumcision takes place. The highest honor of the ceremony is the Sandek, the one who holds the baby during the circumcision ceremony. Next the baby formally receives his Jewish name. The Sandek for the Naming holds the baby while he receives his name. The bris concludes with a meal of celebration.

Can we personalize the ceremony?

The Mohel will allow you to make any personal comments you wish about this very exciting and moving time of life. A scripted ceremony can be read from by family members and all those present.

Medical Circumcision In-Home or In-Office


There are Medical advantages for waiting beyond 24 hours or even on the 8th day & performing circumcision outside the hospital. The baby has adjusted to the birth process without superimposing a second trauma (i.e. the circumcision) if it were done in the hospital before discharge. Clotting factors & immunoglobulins are more mature on day 8 & beyond than at birth. I am able to spend more time going above & beyond to make it comfortable for the baby, i.e applying anesthetic & waiting for it to take effect (unlike in the hospital). The home & office are much cleaner & all instruments are sterilized, autoclaved, or disposable just like in the hospital.

In addition, the hospital is not the cleanest of locations with hospital-acquired infections etc. The office is cleaner & all instruments are autoclaved & sterilized just like the hospital.


I go above & beyond to make your baby comfortable.

First: The baby receives infant Tylenol 1 hr before the procedure if no objection from your Pediatrician.
Next: When I arrive, I apply a topical numbing gel along with a dressing that adheres the gel to the baby’s foreskin.
Then: The baby begins to suck on the sugar & wine solutions which are calming, releasing endorphins.

I position the baby more in a seated position rather than flat on his back with his arms free so that mom or dad can stroke his hands, his head & encourage him with calm words. After the procedure, I place an additional anesthetic gel on the dressing.


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